As per medical ethics, all communication between practitioners and their patients is to be treated as highly confidential. It is only when a patient develops that level of trust will they have immense faith in the abilities of the professional treating them. This trust is nurtured and developed over a period of time and should never be broken. Once the damage is done, it is very difficult to restore and regain the other’s trust.
In this digital age, the fastest mode for physicians to stay connected to their patients and communicate with their colleagues is through secure text messaging. These patients could either be the ones who come to them directly where they run their private practice or those whom they see at the hospitals these physicians are attached to. An answering phone service especially those specializing in the medical field can help streamline this process as they offer the following facilities:
Security and Accessibility
These service providers ensure that if one needs to refer to a text message sent in the past, the same is easily accessible to the concerned parties whenever the need arises. It serves as a good record as the technology used allows for a copy of the message to be retained for an extended period of time. Also, the service provider has the necessary security encryption required to ensure only the relevant physician has access to those messages. Thus, no compromises are made with respect to privacy and security aspects.
Messages Routed in Real Time
An answering phone service skilled in working with medical practices, can route all priority text messages in their entirety, directly to the concerned physician’s digital device. This is especially beneficial when messages are received after regular practice hours. Irrespective of the time of day, those trying to reach a medical practitioner on an urgent basis can be sure their message will be transpired as is, only to the concerned personnel.
Safeguards from Potential Loss
Apart from ensuring that the messages are securely available for the legally required amount of time, a provision to delete it from the physician’s phone is also available. This helps guard against potential loss or theft of the digital device which could then violate the patient’s privacy.
Technology Enabled Infrastructure
The technology adopted by these phone answering services trained to work with medical professionals, is enabled to audit the message, verify who received it, monitor it safely and securely archive it in a password protected and encrypted system.
The ease of accessibility to a physician without jeopardizing patient privacy, are best maintained through secure text messaging. This has become a preferred method of communicating with patients and colleagues for most medical practitioners. It is a reliable, practical and time saving approach, worth investing in.