A vanity phone number is a phone number that can be a very useful marketing tool in and of itself. It has been decades since we have been introduced to the first vanity numbers such as “1-800-FLOWERS”, and since then, not much has changed. The positive results of the vanity number for one’s business are primarily caused by the power of the memory of the average consumer. It has been scientifically proven that advertisers vastly see a jump in recall rates of up to 80% for vanity numbers compared to plan, numeric phone numbers.
Whether you own a number for true vanity, for business, or both, chances are there are many straightforward numbers that are already in use by others. You would likely need to be creative by using a unique string of letters that makes it easy for customers to remember and share with their friends and family.
If you are a plumber named Bob, for instance, a strong candidate for a vanity number would be “1-800-CALL-BOB”. There are tools and programs that you can use with ease, and admittedly with amusement, to look for available phone numbers, so that you can use one along with your answering service for small business.
Here are some tips to help you find that one vanity phone number that is right for your business:
Aside from being just a number, a vanity number is a cost-efficient way to market your business in areas far beyond your location. With that “1-800” at the beginning, it lets consumers know that you’re not just a local business. Without any use of local area codes, expect to receive inquiries from people all over the country.
One thing to consider is that different inquiries from consumers might warrant a different number for them to dial. Collateral materials, newsletters, postcards, and other trade show giveaways should be marked with a vanity number for quick and easy recognition. Ads from websites and newspapers should include a full, legible number, considering that these potential clients are close to a phone and can call your answering service for small business right away.
Also consider that without a client’s access to an alpha-numeric keypad, your vanity number will have no meaning. With some smartphones that are used today, the alphabetic reference on the keypad is not present. In this case, parenthetical representations of the digits that correspond to your used letters are crucial. For advertisements, squeeze the numeric number underneath your vanity number, so that you are sure that everyone that sees your ad will know how to call your business.
Another way to make your vanity number highly effective in marketing is to implement it as a part of your virtual calling system. As more consumers utilize the services of the internet, this is something especially necessary for small and virtual business owners.
According to comparisons between local transactions and e-commerce, 5 percent of businesses are marketing their brand online with no physical store to visit, with the remainder being physical outlets or other locations. Nonetheless, both kinds of commerce relied on online advertising to draw consumers to their brands, with a customer experience that is enjoyable and easy to follow.
Managing your branding can come in many different forms, and with vanity numbers being a tried and true marketing strategy, they will ensure that your business is unforgettable, in more ways than one. A vanity number is an affordable, one-time fee, and is just a drop in the bucket compared to how much money you expect to make when you are expecting a large consumer base to remember it.