Benefits of a Bilingual Answering Service for your Attorney Business

Lawyers and attorneys need to draw on a number of different qualities to suit each legal situation that they face. Knowing what characteristic are needed when is a skill that develops over time. Above all the legal knowledge which is a given, lawyers need to be exceptional communicators:

  • In order to persuade juries and judges, attorneys need articulate public speaking.
  • Persuasive writing which is also clear and concise is an essential skill when preparing legal documents.
  • But it’s not all about projection. Lawyers must have outstanding listening skills. And a worthy lawyer is available to listen to their clients when, and in whatever language, needed.

Bearing in mind that people seeking legal assistance are often calling under extreme pressure and hearing a real human being answer their call shows you mean business. Our 24/7 legal answering service can help you acquire and keep clients.

Getting into a legal tangle is traumatic enough at the best of times. Add to that a language barrier, and stress levels sky-rocket. More and more attorneys now need a bilingual telephone answering service. At a fraction of the cost of hiring more full-time employees, our bilingual operators will make your clients feel that you care enough to make them feel comfortable during their time of need.

The benefits of a bilingual answering service is that Sunshine Communications Inc. is a cost-efficient way for you to focus on your clients, rather than your phones. Show your non-English speaking callers that you are committed providing quality legal service.

For more information on how we can improve your image and credibility among non-English callers, please contact us today.

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We’ll send you our plans and pricing information and then work with you to figure out which plan makes the most sense for your business needs. All of our plans are all-inclusive with no surprise fees or add-ons.

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We’ll send you our plans and pricing information and then set you up with a free trial so you can see how our services work for your business. All of our plans are all-inclusive with no surprise fees or add-ons.

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